Click arrows at left to open the map legend. Click on a mapped cemetery for more information.

For a complete explanation of the methodology used to identify cemeteries and build this map, view the complete dissertation here. The following variables are included in this version of the map:

  • NAME: Cemetery name

  • TYPE: Broad category used to identity and define the general usage of a cemetery or the group or groups responsible for its establishment and use.

  • SUB-TYPE: Secondary category used to identify and define the general usage of a cemetery or the group or groups responsible for its establishment and use with greater specificity.

  • RELIGION: Religious affiliation for applicable cemeteries (represents affiliation at time of establishment)

  • METHOD: The method of burial (e.g., inhumation and/or entombment)

  • ASSOC’N: The association between the burial ground and the property on which it was located (e.g., a stand-alone cemetery; churchyard; or cemetery located on the grounds of an institution)

  • STATUS: The current status of the cemetery (e.g., Active, Obliterated, or Preserved); please note that cemeteries can have more than one section assigned to a different status. Please note that cemetery obliteration does not mean that all human remains were removed from a site.

  • REINTERM’T: Information regarding the place of reinterment (if any) for obliterated cemeteries

  • OPEN YR: The year of the cemetery’s establishment or first known burial, if known

  • CLOSE YR: The year of the cemetery’s closure or last known burial, if known

  • OBLIT YR: The year of a cemetery’s obliteration, if known

  • MAP REF: The reference/information used to identify and map the cemetery’s boundaries

  • OTHER: Additional known information

  • SOURCES: Bibliographical citations (see dissertation for complete list of references)